Puberty and Oral health

Puberty and Oral health

You don’t need us to tell you that there’s a lot going on in your body during puberty. But one thing you may not have given a lot of thought to is what happens to your mouth when your body starts producing all those extra sex hormones like estrogen and progesterone....
Brushing and Oral health

Brushing and Oral health

You’ll no doubt be aware that brushing your teeth, which removes the plaque that causes tooth decay and gum disease, is important. What you may not know is that how often you brush, how long you brush for, the kind of technique and toothbrush you use all matter too....
Flossing and Oral health

Flossing and Oral health

Here’s something you may not know – nearly half the surface area of your teeth lies between them. Why that particular information is important is because if you’re solely relying on brushing you’re not cleaning a large portion of your teeth, which in turn can affect...