Dentures are removable false teeth which are used to replace missing teeth.

Dentures are removable false teeth which are used to replace missing teeth. They are most commonly made of acrylic plastic or metal, and are custom-made to fit the gums of the individual patient.
Missing teeth are known to create problems with eating and/or speech, and so partial (a single or small number of missing teeth) or complete (an entire set) are practical and effective solutions for patients experiencing such difficulties.
A patient with dentures must see their dentist frequently in order to make sure the dental appliance maintains its effectiveness and function over time. At Highclere Dental Centre, we will create a treatment and aftercare plan that is based on the long-term success of your teeth.

Root Canal Treatment
The Highclere Dental Centre offer root canal treatment in order to avoid tooth loss if the nerve of a tooth becomes infected. An infection occurs most commonly as a result of tooth decay, injury, or a leak/break in an existing filling.

Book An Appointment
Call: 08 93439777
55 Highclere Boulevard
Marangaroo WA 6064
Working Hours
Saturday: By appointment only. Please call our friendly team or book online.
Sunday: Closed