Say goodbye to Baby Bottle Tooth Decay!

What is it, you ask? Baby bottle tooth decay, also known as early childhood caries, is tooth decay that affects infants and toddlers, primarily in their upper front teeth. But…

June 30, 2023

Oral Health

What is it, you ask? Baby bottle tooth decay, also known as early childhood caries, is tooth decay that affects infants and toddlers, primarily in their upper front teeth. But fear not! It’s never too early to start practicing good oral hygiene and keeping those adorable baby teeth in tip-top shape. After all, healthy baby teeth lay the foundation for healthy adult teeth! 

The main culprit behind this decay is prolonged exposure to sugary drinks, especially when little ones doze off with a bottle of milk or juice in hand. While they sleep, the sugar in the liquid lingers in their mouth, kickstarting the decay process. Yikes! 

But fret not, we’ve got some prevention tips for you:

  • Say no to bedtime bottles filled with sugary drinks; finish them before naptime or bedtime. Let’s keep those pearly whites sugar-free! 
  • Keep pacifiers sugar and honey-free. Remember, honey is a no-go for infants under 1-year-old due to the risk of infant botulism. Safety first!
  • After each feeding, gently wipe your child’s gums with a clean, damp gauze pad or washcloth. Clean gums, happy gums!
  • Avoid cleaning spoons by popping them in your mouth; rinse them under tap water before using them to feed your little one. Keep it clean and hygienic!
  • Promote a healthy diet to support those growing teeth. Nourish those smiles from within!
  • When those pearly whites start to sprout, brush them gently with a child-size toothbrush and a smear of non-fluoride toothpaste. Sparkly smiles in the making!
  • Book your child’s first dental visit when their first tooth makes its debut, but no later than their first birthday. Let’s make dental visits a breeze with Highclere Dental Centre!

Prevent Baby Bottle Tooth Decay and set your little one on the path to a lifetime of healthy smiles! Don’t forget to share these tips with other parents too! 

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